Monday, March 20, 2006

I Swim with the Fishes (and other falsehoods of a cold, shitty winter)

Today is my 34th birthday and I celebrated mid-day in my own way by taking myself out for a double-scoop birthday cone (chocolate raspberry truffle and cherry chip, kiddie scoops; I do have boundaries) before coming back to the office to work on some designs.

This will be a year of transition and of new roles; as we'll be welcoming our first baby (hence the ice cream, actually) into this fabulously wonderful world of capitalism and also into a home built in 1929 with lots of pointy things, wood floors and an over-stocked cd rack in early September.

A Virgo baby, to my delight, and I look forward to creating a welcoming and eclectic world of gum-in-the-hair, sand-in-the-socks kind of fun for the little ladybug.


Anonymous said...

I was going to email you a birthday greeting, but somewhere between the time I thought of it (about the 15th) and the time it arrived I totally zoned it. Congrats on the wee one on the way. I have a feeling you'll be an amazing mother and I couldn't be more happy for you.


michelle said...

Thank you, for two reasons.

First, I appreciate the birthday thought and also the congratulations. And second, for actually posting a comment as I was beginning to wonder if I'm just writing this to satisfy my own vanity, if I'm really bigger in Turkey (so says the web stats, go figure) than in my own city or if friends are actually having a look into my goofy, overfilled life.
Much appreciated, Brady.

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